Here is an article from Huffington Post on this matter: Link.
A friend of mine approached me today, asking me if I knew anything about management rings. I will admit, at first, I had no idea what he was talking about! After some brief research, it is to show equity in pre-commitment, commitment. That concept sounds funny, but it does make a whole bit of sense.
For the commitment of an engagement, it now allows both sides to signal to the marketplace that they are no longer available. The rings provide equality whereas before there was no real exhibition from one side of the table.
There is also the equality of investment. With the introduction of these rings, the onus of financial commitment to an engagement no longer solely rests on the shoulders of one party, but both. Furthermore, perhaps with dual-investment, people can finally realize that it is not the size of the "diamond" but the meaning behind the ring that is important!
Perhaps not, but then we come to the real winners of the new introduction of management rings... the jewelry companies! They get to sell another ring now. All kidding aside, the new idea has merit - but will it catch on? Only time will tell.